Saturday, March 28, 2009

Trying to Type

Lately I've been trying to type. So every word after this sentence I will keep my mistakes and NOT backspace! Ok here I go wow i am doung prtettu good i giiuss wow that s ucked. I'm not doin so well hih ah crap I suck at typing and i'm not even goinfg that fast! Waaaaaaaaaaah whay me!? Well anyeway , the other day i ate some food. and I ate it at my house too! How wecxiting! Tfright no;w I'm on my computer of course and its 7:59 I;',m up vbefore EVERTYONE!@!!! Well I think thats enough gotyurefgg (that said "for" I just got a little angry! heh). today so I'll pisost other satuff later. BYE!!!!!


  1. WOW, that was pathetic, I am not backspacing right now, and I haven't even made ONE mistake yer\t>? :)

  2. Now you have!!! I didn't!!!!!! Still!!!!!! Woot!!!!!!!!
